How long has Southeastern Baptist Youth Camp been in business?
SBYCamp has been operating continuously since 1946. If you’re interested in our History, we even have an entire book about it!
Where do you get your staff?
Many of our staff have 'come up through the ranks' from Campers, to SALTs, to Staff. When we hire all our staff members, we ensure that they have the necessary qualifications to instruct the activities they will be teaching and most importantly, a desire to work and care for our Campers. All of our Staff & Cabin Leaders must submit an extensive application that includes references and recommendations from others. We then have an interview process, and discuss as a group whom we will and will not hire.
What about homesickness?
We have learned that everyone gets a little homesick while away at Camp. It is your job as a parent to help your camper to be able to deal with that feeling. Talk to your child before camp starts and ensure them that you are proud of them and love them very much, but that you want them to spend the entire week at Camp and get the most out of it. Please avoid telling your child that they can come home if they get homesick. Homesickness at the beginning of camp is natural and within a short amount of time, campers are busy having fun, making friends, and begin to feel secure very soon. Our staff is supportive and understanding to children who experience homesickness. Check out our Homesick Page for more information on homesickness.
What happens if there is Bed Wetting?
An occasional incident of bed‐wetting will be handled in an understanding manner with discretion and compassion, by the child's cabin leaders. We are really good at sneaking the bedding out, getting it cleaned and returned before anyone notices! However, our limited laundry facilities and humid environment make it difficult to deal effectively with chronic bed‐wetters. Please make sure you note this on the camper health form and mention to cabin leaders on arrival day, so we can make sure we cut evening beverages out and work out a night‐time bathroom schedule. Also include any other information will make your child's stay more of a success.
Can campers request roommates?
Yes. Please do this on the camper registration form. We do very well at making sure each camper gets their requested Cabin Buddy. We do encourage parents to try and request just one buddy. Each cabin has a set amount of beds so entire church groups may not ALL be together.
How much money should I send with my child?
All money is online in the “camper’s bank" so your child doesn't risk losing it. During the week, they can visit The Quarry Soda Pop & Candy Shop, or The Treehouse Camp Store. Most items in The Quarry are $2 with some of our bigger items being $3-4. Items in The Treehouse cost anywhere from $1 to $20. We reccomend about $30 per camper for the week. Any money not spent during the week, the parent has the option to give that money to our Camp offering, leave it in the UltraCamp account for future use, or have it refunded.
How many kids are in a cabin?
Each cabin has a different amount of campers. However each cabin has a minimum of two cabin leaders, and we try our best to keep the numbers of campers to 7 or less. It all depends on how big the week is.
Can I call my camper during the week?
Campers may not receive phone calls while at camp. As well, please do not visit your child while at camp. If there is an emergency at home, please contact the Camp Director. You are more than welcome to write to your child. (See next question)
Can I write to my child?
Yes, writing is strongly encouraged. You may send mail to:
Camper's Name
c/o SBYCamp
3127 West CR 800S
Greensburg, IN 42740
We have discovered over the past few years that a camper will treasure a handwritten letter or card for years to come. Please do not send candy, gum, or other food items to your child while at camp. The critters in our woods are attracted to dropped crumbs or food stored in the cabins.
What happens if my child has bad behavior while at camp?
The Camp program is designed to help create a safe, caring and moral community where self‐esteem, skills, teamwork and a sense of community can be developed.
SBYCamp utilizes a number of behavior management techniques such as:
1. Time outs
2. Conflict resolution
3. Counsel and Prayer
We also have a 3 strike rule:
Strike One – Discussion with Cabin Leader and proper behavior management technique given.
Strike Two – Discussion with Cabin Leader, Dean, and phone call home to parent. As well, another proper behavior management technique will be administered.
Strike Three – Parent will be contacted and must come pick up their child immediately. No refund is given for children who are sent home.
SBYCamp does not use any methods of physical or humiliating discipline.
Misbehavior is dealt with on an individual basis and on any serious occurrence could result in an immediate dismissal.
What happens when my child loses something at Camp?
All lost and found items are placed on the back table in Grace Hall and can be claimed throughout the session or at the Closing Ceremony (where we encourage the campers to check through it!) They are kept for one week after the session. After one week, items are donated to a local thrift shop or given to other campers in need here at Camp. Items will need to be collected from camp as the camp cannot mail any items. SBYCamp accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged personal property.
Who decides what goes on at SBYCamp?
Camp was created as a camp for children by the American Baptist Churches of Indiana. We have our Camp Trustee Board that makes many of the decisions at camp. The Camp is then directly run by our Executive Director: Christopher Kallal, Assistant Director: Hannah Eberts, Guest Services Director: Carrie Kallal, and Maintenance Director: Alex Wallace.
How can I find out more?
We would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please feel free to contact us via email: sbycamp@gmail.com or call Camp: 812.591.2515