- Each week has a different drop off and pick up time. Be sure to Check the Dates & Info Page to see what the times are for your week. No deduction is allowed for late arrival or early departure.
- Parents, please do not bring pets to Camp at any time.
- The Camp circle is One-Way only. When you come to the fork in the road, please go to the left to head down the hill.

For packing list, please click below.

- Any electronic equipment
- Any tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, marijuana, vaping, matches or lighters (this includes parents/guardians while on campus)
- Any fireworks or weapons (this includes parents/guardians while on campus)
- Any pets (this includes parents/guardians while on campus)

All campers are expected to follow our Camp Rules. The Camp Director reserves the right to dismiss any camper whose conduct is detrimental to the overall good fo the camp. In cases of misconduct, parents/guardians will be required to pick up the camper immediately and no refund will be made.

All clothing should honor God. If you think it might be a little too low-cut, high-cut, see-through, cling-to, or questionable, don’t bring it.
Spaghetti straps, bare stomachs, words across your bottom, ripped sleeves/sides that show your chest/stomach, low pants that show your bottom/underwear, and questionable advertisements are inappropriate.
Shorts and skirts should be approaching the knee in length.
Males swimming trunks must be the shorts type (no speedos)
Female swimming suits must be one-piece or tankinis that touch in the middle (no bikinis)

SBYCamp is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please mark or tag all items. This includes towels (we find more towels than any other item each week that go unclaimed)
Lost & Found items must be claimed within a week of camp departure and arrangements must be made to pick up items. After that, they will be donated to charity.
Lost or broken Camp Store purchases will not be replaced.

- Campers love to receive letters and packages. Any packages or letters must be mailed correctly to camp. Any packages or letters left in our mailbox, without proper postage, will be disposed of. As well, Camp will not store and pass out letters left by parents. All mail must go through the postal system.
- If you send any food items in the mail, please see the Food Policies below.
- Campers are able to buy envelopes and stamps in the Camp Store for 75¢.
- Campers are not permitted to use the phone or email.
- If you must get a message to your camper, please contact the camp office and your message will be relayed to his/her counselor at meal times.

Our cabin leaders, nurse, and staff are all prepared to help your camper through homesickness issues. Here at SBYCamp, we have a 3-Step Plan for Homesickness:
1. When the camper informs someone they are homesick, we will do what we can to help that camper out.
2. If the camper continues to complain of homesickness, we will make a phone call home so that you may attempt to help your child feel better. Phone calls will be limited to under 10 min (we have learned that Campers stall as long as they can)
3. If the camper continues to complain of homesickness after the phone call, they will be sent home. Parents will be required to pick up the camper immediately and no refund will be given.
- Remember that campers take their cue from you as the parents. Please prepare them ahead of time by encouraging them to make new friends, talk to counselors, etc. Try not to be nervous yourself, especially as you register your camper and leave him/her with their cabin leader.
- Check out other great tips below

All campers are expected to eat the main course at meal times (sides, veggies, etc, are not required). If you have a picky camper, please talk through this policy with your child. Sun butter and Jelly will be offered as a option at every meal. The camper will be expected to eat either the main course or the SB&J Sandwich. If the camper refuses both, we will make a phone call home. If you are unable to convince the camper to eat, you will be required to pick up the camper immediately and no refund will be given.

- Campers are not allowed to bring snacks to camp because we have no space to store them that can keep vermin out.
- Any food items sent in mail/packages will be expected to be eaten during that meal time. Anything that is unfinished will be disposed of in the dining hall. So don’t send a ton of food, or entire cake, etc as it will go to waste.
- Any gum will be thrown away. Gum is not permitted at Camp.
- Instead of mailing a ton of food for your camper, please consider buying a Cabin Snack (treats for the entire cabin passed out at a meal time) or send trinkets/toys (like frisbees, bouncy balls, etc) instead.

Each day Campers will receive 1 free snack from our Snack Shack. As well, Campers can purchase candy bars, fizzies, etc from our brand new Quarry Soda Pop & Candy Shop. Campers are informed that they may not buy more than 3 food items per day. We do our best to control this, but sometimes campers will return to buy more and our staff do not recognize that.