What is there to do at Camp?
Archery, Throwing Range, Slingshots, Atlatls, Aerial Archery, Stand Up Paddleboards, Fishing, Mini Golf, and so much more! Click on the Activities link under ABOUT CAMP to see all the fun things there are to do at SBYCamp.
How much money should I bring to Camp?
All money is in your “online bank" so your child doesn't risk losing it. During the week, you can visit The Quarry Soda Pop & Candy Shop or The Treehouse Camp Store. Most items in The Quarry are $2 with some of our bigger items being $3-4. Items in The Treehouse cost anywhere from $1 to $20. We reccomend you bring about $30 for the week. Any money not spent during the week, your parent has the option to give that money to our Camp offering, leave in your UltraCamp account for future use, or have it refunded.
What if I miss my parents?
Missing your parents is natural! Everyone misses home at some point in their life, regardless of how old they are. Our staff is really good at helping you to get over this feeling if it happens to you and helping you have an awesome time at camp!
Where do the campers come from?
Our campers come from all over Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and sometimes other states too!
How many campers are there?
We have approximately 100 campers at camp at one time. It's a pretty even mix of boys and girls.
What kind of food will I eat?
Our food is soooo good! Seriously! We mix it up everyday and have a really good variety. A fan favorite meal is the homemade Pizza night. Each cabin gets to even order their own pizzas and pick their favorite toppings. Another Favorite is probably the Specialty Donuts. There’s Strawberry Cheesecake, Mint Chocolate Chip, Churro, Cereal, and plain of course!
What are the Cabin Leaders like?
Camp has some of the best Cabin Leaders around. Most of our Cabin Leaders were once campers like you. Some of them were even Camp Staff. However, anyone who is willing to give up a week of vacation to serve God at Camp is a pretty cool person!!!
Can I bring my iPod, iPad, cell phone, or other electronics?
We encourage you to "unplug" for your camp adventure! If you choose to bring a cell phone or other "internet accessible" device, it will be collected upon arrival and stored in the camp office until you leave. We'd really prefer that these devices were simply left at home.
Can I request my friends to be in my cabin?
Yes. Please do this on the camper registration form. We do very well at making sure you get your requested Cabin Buddy.
Will I have fun at Camp?
If you are coming to SBYCamp, be prepared for the best week you've ever had! You'll be talking about this Camp for Years. (Seriously, your grandkids will probably ask you to stop!)