An Ideal Candidate:
- Is a faithful witness of Jesus Christ in word & action
- Finds it fun to be around children & desires to support their journey at camp
- Isn’t intimidated by hard work, silly work, confusing work, or gross work
- Is comfortable cultivating spiritual growth within the cabin group through daily prayer, daily cabin devotions, & continual lifestyle example
- Is a team player with other Camp Staff
- Is coachable & understands that nobody is perfect, especially campers
- Learns from mistakes & bounces back
- Desires to participate in camper activities to encourage excitement & enjoyment
- Demonstrates a desire to serve others & fulfill camper needs
- Enjoys creating cabin activities for use during cabin times or “down” times
- Knows how to evaluate circumstances, make good decisions, & have fun
- During conflict, seeks first to understand the other perspective
- Remains calm in challenging situations
- Takes initiative to assist in helping others
- Enjoys getting dirty, but also becoming clean & encouraging campers to be clean
- Desires to go above & beyond the written job description
- Stay in a cabin with campers as a Cabin Leader and lead program activities during the day
- Complete all needed paperwork for Camp
- Spend a minimun of 30 minutes to have a personal quiet time each day with God and see to know and love Him with all you are
- Stay at Camp during sessions with the option to leave when Camp is not in session
- Attend FireStarters Staff Training, Staff Meetings, and Complete Evaluations for the program
- Model a positive Christian example for the campers and leaders
- Support camp philosophy of ministry, mission, and statement of faith
- Attend closing All Staff meeting at end of each week
- Assist the entire Camp Staff in cleaning the camp each Friday before being dismissed
- Attend church each Sunday morning
- Be 18 or older
- Can communicate with other people verbally & non-verbally
- Can read, understand, & attempt to follow a large manual of Camp Training & Policies
- Has a positive attitude
- Can commit to working for the whole summer
Physical Demands:
- Can sing, cheer, clap, laugh, stand, sit, run, hike, play, & more
- Can survive with a minimum of 7 hours sleep per night
- Can adjust to camp food
- Can sleep in a small bed (that creaks a lot)
- Can overcome occasional bouts of being tired & hangry
- Can work in a fast, very flexible environment that requires patience, diligence & humor
Emotional Demands:
- Willingness to accept, acknowledge & work through all the feels
- Willingness to lose complete track of space & time for a summer
- Willingness to meet, befriend, love, & then say goodbye to tiny humans weekly
- Willingness to give it all everyday
- Extensive Training & Certifications
- Starting Salary is $300/week
- Hands-on work and ministry experience in a Christian organization
- Great resources toward scholarships, resumes, and developing relationships for future academic ministry pursuits
- Joining a Camp Family!
- Opportunities to share the Gospel and your faith while interacting with campers and adults
- Discover your God-given talents
- Gain knowledge in problem-solving and decision-making
- Develop Initiative
- Spacious cabin with “some” amenities & filling, even sometimes, tasty Camp Food
- Lifetime of memories that will make you angry, sad, & happy all at the same time
- Complete & utter exhaustion paired with a huge desire to come back & do it all again!