The SALT (Service And Leadership Training) Program is a group of teens who work under the direction of the SALT Shaker in taking care of the physical needs of the Camp. That could include, but is not limited to, cleaning and assisting in the kitchen and dining room, cleaning the cabins, bathrooms, and camp grounds. SALTeens also serve in various program areas as needed.
Along with the Service there is also the Leadership Training! Each day the SALTeens will spend time in Spiritual Discipleship to grow closer to God during their time here at Camp. The SALT Shaker will lead these devotional times and topics will change each week.
As well, we will be doing Training in “Adulting”! This will be topics such as Changing a Tire, Balancing a Checkbook, How to Interview for a Job, etc.
Our goal with the SALT program is that your teen come home with a deeper relationship with God, a servant’s heart, and better knowledge of life!!!
An Ideal Candidate:
- Is a faithful witness of Jesus Christ in word & action finds it fun to be (and serve) at Camp
- Isn’t intimidated by hard work, silly work, confusing work, or gross work
- Is desiring to grow spiritually through daily prayer, daily SALT devotions, Small Group, & continual lifestyle example
- Is a team player with the kitchen staff, SALTeens, & other Camp Staff
- Is coachable & understands that nobody is perfect, especially campers & other SALTeens
- Learns from mistakes & bounces back
- Desires to work in some of the not-so-fun areas at Camp with excitement & enjoyment
- Demonstrates a desire to serve others & fulfill camp needs
- Enjoys fun activities for during free times
- Knows how follow the directions of the SALT Shaker
- During conflict, seeks first to understand the other perspective
- Remains calm in challenging situations
- Takes initiative to assist in helping others
- Enjoys getting dirty, but also becoming clean
- Desires to go above & beyond the written job description
- Stay in the Retreat Center with other SALTeens work in the kitchen(mostly dishroom duties) during the day
- Complete all needed paperwork for Camp
- Spend a minimun of 30 minutes to have a personal quiet time each day with God and see to know and love Him with all you are
- Stay at Camp during sessions with the option to leave when Camp is not in session
- Model a positive Christian example for the campers
- Support camp philosophy of ministry, mission, and statement of faith
- Attend closing All Staff meeting at end of each week
- Assist the entire Camp Staff in cleaning the camp each Friday before being dismissed
- Attend church each Sunday morning
- Be 14 or older
- Can communicate with other people verbally & non-verbally
- Can understand directions
- Can complete the required Food Handler Training Course
- Has a positive attitude
Physical Demands:
- Can sing, cheer, clap, laugh, stand, sit, run, hike, play, & more
- Can adjust to camp food
- Can sleep in a small bed (that creaks a lot)
- Can overcome occasional bouts of being tired & hangry
- Can mop, do dishes, help cook, sweep, weed, clean or be willing to learn how
- Can work in a fast, very flexible environment that requires patience, diligence & humor
Emotional Demands:
- Willingness to accept, acknowledge & work through all the feels
- Willingness to lose complete track of space & time for a week at a time
- Willingness to meet, befriend, love, & then say goodbye to your new best friends weekly
- Willingness to give it all everyday
- Salary is $50/week
- Hands-on work and ministry experience in a Christian organization
- Lessons in Growing Closer to God
- Lessons in “Adulting"
- Great resources toward scholarships, resumes, and developing relationships for future academic ministry pursuits
- Joining a Camp Family!
- Opportunities to share the Gospel and your faith while interacting with campers
- Discover your God-given talents
- Gain knowledge in problem-solving and decision-making
- Develop Initiative
- Spacious room with “some” amenities & filling, even sometimes, tasty Camp Food
- Lifetime of memories that will make you angry, sad, & happy all at the same time
- Complete & utter exhaustion paired with a huge desire to come back & do it all again!