Aug 29-Sept 1, 2025
Labor Day Weekend
Bring the Whole Family
Check-In Friday at 6:00PM
Depart Monday at 10:00AM
Cost - $300 a cabin plus $50 a camper ages 5 and up (Max $700 per family)
We have AWESOME activities, INCRECIBLE events, and EXCITING programs!!!!
We will be taking up a Special Offering for Camp during the Sunday Evening Family Chapel. Prayfully consider how your family can give to this.
Check out the Schedule below to see all the new stuff planned. We will have (pretty much) Every Camp Program available during the weekend! We have 3 After-Party Events each night! AND special activities for the adults ONLY!!!!!
If you’ve never been before or if you’ve been coming for years, THIS IS THE YEAR to be at SBYC over Labor Day Weekend!!!!
Click Here to Register